We believe every kid has the potential to change the world.
Talking Talons Youth Leadership is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) youth development organization that inspires young people to become leaders in fighting climate change. For over 30 years we have given kids the tools to be successful advocates for themselves and the environment.
Our Vision
Healing the planet by transforming generations of leaders through nature.
Our Mission
To elevate youth and the community to become effective advocates and ethical stewards of themselves, wildlife, habitats and the environment.

Talking Talons Youth Leadership is serving its community in powerful, effective ways:

- Building young leaders through environmental education and leadership training
- Empowering youth to take action on issues they care about through long-term, child centered programs
- Collaborating with community partners to build a continuum of mentorship, training, education and leadership opporuntities for youth who are passionate about environmental issues
- Providing hands-on, place-based conservation education programs
- Providing entry level conservation jobs through our summer Youth Conservation Corps Program.
- Generating local jobs, volunteer and first-time employment opportunities at our non-profit Talking Talons Thrift Store